Precision gears for positioning robots
An important focus at Nabtesco is on the development of special gears for high-speed handling and robot-assisted positioning. Robots for pick & place applications and for workpiece positioning operate in industrial environments at ever increasing speeds, which also puts a strain on the gears installed in such systems. In addition to the high acceleration and braking forces of these machines, the engineers also have to be aware of heat generation from the high speeds. Our precision gears fulfil these requirements!
High dynamics
High acceleration rates are important in pick & place applications. Our robotic gears are designed exactly for this requirement!
High precision
The cycloidal design of our precision gears make them very exact. They are ideal for precise pacing and positioning.
Long service life
Eccentric gears feature very low wear and therefore have an extremely long life.
Compact design
The compact design of our robotic gears makes them ideal for use in smaller Delta and SCARA robots.
Dynamic and precise
Pick & place and positioning applications require not only high acceleration rates and high speeds, but also repeatability and exact positioning of heavy loads. The RF-P series provides provides reliable, precise and high-performance drive technology for these applications.
These precision cycloidal gears enable high speeds and acceleration rates, combined with exceptionally smooth operation and a long service life. The gears of our RV series likewise have withstood the test of time in countless positioning and handling applications around the world.