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Current news from Nabtesco Precision Europe GmbH

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Press release | Best workplace to be

Work in times of automation and digitalisation - Nabtesco, the world’s largest manufacturer of precision cycloidal gears, is shaping the future of industry with its innovations. The corporate culture is likewise shaped by future-oriented thinking and action. Nabtesco, according to the employer evaluation platform kununu, is one of Germany’s top employers, demonstrating how to succeed in times of automation and digitalisation.


As a partner for modern automation technology, Nabtesco implements innovative drive concepts that decisively expand the horizons of gear technology to advance technological progress. Nabtesco’s high-performance cycloidal gears are integral to modern robotic and automation systems and are long considered a key technology for efficient, reliable production processes. However, automation and digitalisation not only affect industry; the world of work is also undergoing fundamental change. That puts challenges on both employees and employers, but also offers numerous opportunities.

Distinguished as one of Germany’s best employers

Recently, Nabtesco was distinguished as a “kununu Top Company 2023” and is therefore among Germany’s best employers. The high level of employee satisfaction at Nabtesco is the logical consequence of investing considerable time and resources in personnel. “Our employees are our most valuable asset. They have brought us to where we are today. That is why we continuously strive to optimise our working conditions and to create an informal and inspiring atmosphere for our employees,” says Sarah Zielke, Junior Manager Human Resources at Nabtesco Precision Europe GmbH. Self-determination, independence and self-fulfilment are high priorities at Nabtesco. Employees receive support in their personal and career development, and are involved in decisions; they are encouraged to develop their potential and contribute their ideas. Mobile working and a coaching leadership style help to create a harmonious work-life balance, agile work methods and an attractive working environment.

Substantial boost in performance thanks to cycloidal gears

Well over eleven million precision gears from Nabtesco are in use worldwide – in diverse applications ranging from robotics, mechanical engineering, electric vehicles, logistics and medical technology to autonomous driving, battery production and renewable energies. The outstanding precision and power density of cycloidal gears enable faster processes, higher productivity and better product quality than conventional technologies – all at reduced costs. 

Best workplace to be

Nabtesco is a future shaper, innovation driver and technology pioneer – both as a gear producer and as an employer. With a well thought-out, motivating and future-oriented employee management system, the company sets accents in the “war for talents” and is rightly positioned as a “best workplace to be”. Click here for more information